Creating Change Together

Since 1954, the Harvard Club of New York Foundation, has assisted over 400 New York City students in realizing their goal of attending Harvard College.

Helping our Students

helping our university

helping our city

Helping Harvard Students, Helping NYC

Welcome to the HCNY FOUNDATION. Created  in 1953, The Foundation is a 501 c 3 public charity originally established to provide funding for deserving high school seniors from the five boroughs who could not otherwise afford to attend the College. Since then the Foundation has had the privilege of making a Harvard College education possible for many incredible students from our City, both famous like Yo Yo Ma (’76), and less famous; each an incredibly talented individual who needed financial support to make the dream of attending Harvard a reality.

 In more recent years, as Harvard College’s Financial Aid Program has expanded so dramatically to meet the needs of all students, The Foundation’s mission has evolved to continue to play a meaningful role in the lives of Harvard  students and New York City.

 Please click through our website to learn about our many pursuits, our organization and most of all the amazing students across the University whom we support and who enrich our University and our city in immeasurable ways.

HCNY Foundation Event Photo

Mirielle Wright ’21

Ahmad Alnasser ’21

Derrick Ochiagha ’24

“After so many years, thinking back to when I received word of my selection as a Harvard Club of New York Foundation Scholar almost puts these reflections into a once-upon-a-time context. This award is probably more closely tied to my emotional bonds with the Club than the College. As a high school senior, my alumni interview preceded my campus visit in Cambridge. It was the Club that provided my first formal connection to Harvard. Receiving the award and the financial aid that accompanies it, helped make Harvard financially possible for me. ” – Lewis P. Jones III